Since the beginning of January, the wood pellet production line with an annual output of 50,000 tons in Heilongjiang, China, undertaken by RICHI, has been delivering continuously.

In response to the customer’s construction progress requirements, RICHI sent 10 on-site installers to work overtime to install the wood pellet making equipment.

At present, the installation is proceeding in an orderly manner, and we strive to complete the installation of all equipment and enter the commissioning stage by the end of June.

The client is a domestic listed company in China, planning to build a new biomass fuel pellet plant project. The completion of the project has strong demonstration and promotion value for promoting the construction of “zero waste city” and creating “recycling and low-carbon development”.

It is also the main channel for the local government to dispose of waste wood from wildfires. The speed of project progress has received special attention from the local government, which requires full firepower and rapid production.

The project has an annual output of 50,000 tons of wood pellet production plant. After crushing, crushing, drying, storage, granulation, cooling, packaging and palletizing and other processes, it is finally made into high-quality cylindrical biomass pellet fuel.

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