In order to expand the comprehensive utilization channels of straw, the project client, a South African agricultural company, invested in this straw processing project. After active promotion, the project was officially launched on April 20, 2024. All equipment for this project was manufactured and supplied by RICHI Machinery.

The main equipment of this straw processing project mainly consists of a crusher, a turning machine, a dryer, a screening machine, a belt conveyor and a straw pellet machine. After crushing, turning, heating, screening, dust removal and granulation, the straw processing project will be completed.

The straw is processed into pellets that can be stored for a long time and are easy to transport, and are sold to other regions. This agri pellet machinery plant project solves the environmental and air pollution problems caused by random discarding and burning of crop straws that cannot be disposed of, and also accelerates the comprehensive utilization of crop straws.

After the project is officially put into operation, the daily straw processing capacity will reach 70 tons, realizing the utilization of straw as feed. After the project is in stable operation, straw pellet processing and other equipment will also be introduced to further expand straw processing and utilization channels.

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